Child #1: Como se dice "Free Play" in Espanol?
Me: I don't know let me think (obviously said in spanish)
Child #2: Free Play of course (said sarcastically)
In my head I'm thinking, I know the word for play and free why not give it a try.
Me: Free Play es Juegar Gratis
Child # 2 &3: Haaaaaa....thats not right (as they die of laughter)
So I ask a co-worker of mine who is hispanic what the translation would be since I've already gone wrong. I tell her what I said and she smiled and chuckled slightly.
Co-worker: Juegar Libre
Child #1: Ay Ok..gracias
Me: Oh that's right, "Free"has more than one translation, of course that was the better option. Lesson learned and noted.