Wow…I finally took some time to unwind today and man, was it needed. It’s the first time in a really long while, if you haven’t noticed by my absence in the blog world. Things have been insanely busy between work and a hundred other activities. As if I don’t have enough on my plate I always seem to add something new. Apparently I’m like a kid in a candy store who thinks everything is appealing and can’t say no.
Thanks to the many talks by Rey and Anne Marie, I have finally been convinced of my madness and how I’m going to burn myself out. Of course in my stubborn mind, I’m thinking I can do anything and I’ll show them how wrong they are (or in Rey’s words: stick it to the man).
I was beginning to look like hells fury had taken over me. So I decided to cancel practice with just one rain cloud lingering overhead and to top if off I left early from work. That rain cloud however, disappeared within an hour. Oh well, it was nice catching up with Anne Marie over a late lunch. I was remembering how much I missed our witty banter. Laughter is absolutely contagious and I can’t get enough of it. You see I’m making a case without even realizing it (and…there’s the point). After an amusing time, we went back to my house to relax and work. Yes! That’s right work. It seems to follows me everywhere, even after I tried to denounce my workaholic tendencies a moment ago. Thankfully we found time to fool around (…that’s what she said) and get things accomplished at the same time. The sad part about today is: that it will be another 6 weeks before I even think about clearing my schedule on a moment’s whim. In the meantime, I will try to update everyone on my many thousands of activities.